AE脚本-快速选择图层修改属性 AM Select And Set V1.0.1

AE剧本-快速挑选图层修正属性 AM Select And Set V1.0.11617,剧本,快速,快速挑选,挑选,图层

您能否已经测验考试过按照差别的属性值去挑选图层?从工夫轴中的数十个图层中搜刮特定的一组图层?并阅历了一个一个天挑选它们的费事?如今给您的快速处理计划:利用AM Select And Set,您能够沉紧天按照图层的年夜大都属性(比方图层范例,图层称号,索引,标签,混淆形式等)挑选图层。挑选完成后,您也能够立刻变动图层属性。


Here’s the quick solution for you. With AM Select And Set, you can easily select layers based on most of its attributes like layer type, layer name, index, label, blending modes, and much more. You can also change the values layer attributes at once after selection is done.

撑持Win/Mac体系:AE 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC



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