Shotgun动画制作使用教程 FXPHD – SHG201 – Shotgun in Production

Shotgun动绘建造利用教程 FXPHD – SHG201 – Shotgun in Production4013,shotgun,动绘,动绘建造,建造,利用

shotgun动绘建造利用教程 FXPHD – SHG201 – Shotgun in Production

Shotgun 是消费办理的止业尺度,但要充实阐扬其潜力,需求从根底开端理论,以连结事情顺遂停止。 本课程涵盖了怎样正在从年夜型动绘系列到小型殊效建造的一切内乱容中充实操纵 Shotgun硬件

Shotgun is the industry standard for production management, but unlocking its full potential requires a firm grasp of organization principles and best practices to keep things running smoothly. Taught by multiple producers, artists and TD’s from Austin-based studio Mighty Coconut, this course covers how to make the most of Shotgun on everything from large animated series to smaller VFX productions.

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