blender模子焊接螺丝模具插件 Blender Market – ProFlow v0.0.6
ProFlow is a tool to add floaters on your objects.You can add Welds, Custom Assets, Moldings, etc.
- Select the asset you want to use in the library
- Select the object on which you want to place your asset
- Choose the tool you will use
- 2.82, 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93
- 将ProFlow文件夹复造到Blender装置目次下的addons目次下,好比:C:\\Program Files\\Blender Foundation\\Blender\\2.xx\\scripts\\addons
- 翻开Blender,正在文件-用户设置-插件,便可看到装置的插件了