Blender机器人建模教程 Skillshare – Retro Robot Modeling from Concept in Blender 2.9

Blender机械人建模教程 Skillshare – Retro Robot Modeling from Concept in Blender 2.92746,blender,机械,机械人,建模,教程

blender机械建模教程 Skillshare – Retro Robot Modeling from Concept in Blender 2.9

正在本教程中,会解说Blender 2.9中科幻小机械人的建模步调,好比硬里建模、低多边形里片转换成下粗度、烘焙、材量、绑定等

In this series of classes, we’ll be starting with a simple shaded drawing of a retro sci-fi themed robot. With the concept art at hand, you’ll begin interpreting and translating it to 3D as faithfully as you can. Then add additional details to fill in the gaps left by the concept art.

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