材质纹理编辑创建工具软件 Substance Alchemist 2020.2 Win/Mac版

材量纹理编纂创立东西硬件 Substance Alchemist 2020.2 Win/Mac版5145,


硬件 Substance Alchemist 是一款功用壮大的加强数字材量编纂创立东西,以实在天下的拍照或3D扫描数据为根底,撑持正在土壤或火上里增加图层。Substance Alchemist 具有很多预设自界说选项:许多过滤器皆有20或更多个参数,能够经由过程滑块调理,是一个简朴的材量编纂天下。


Substance Alchemist is a next-generation tool dedicated to material authoring, exploration, and management. Different technologies and creation methods (procedural-based, capture-based, AI-based and manual) help you manage entire material libraries and export them to other applications.



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