AE/PR插件-自动修复抠像损坏还原边缘细节 Rescue Matte Filler v1.1 Win/Mac版 使用教程

AE/PR插件-主动建复抠像破坏复原边沿细节 Rescue Matte Filler v1.1 Win/Mac版 利用教程2625,插件,主动,建复,抠像,破坏

Rescue Matte Filler是After Effects战Premiere Pro的智能插件,可主动建复常睹的抠像成绩,包罗边沿间隙,色孔战没有念要的通明度。只需单击几下,便可处理由没有良照明战绿屏设置惹起的成绩。智能规复颜色数据,此中镜头已预先设置键或包罗噪面战快速挪动。

Rescue Matte Filler is a smart plugin for After Effects and Premiere Pro that automatically fixes common keying problems, including edge gaps, color holes, and unwanted transparency. Issues caused by bad lighting and green screen setup can be overcome in a few clicks. Smart recovery of color data where footage is pre-keyed or contains noise & fast movement.



• 从恐怖的绿屏绘里中快速规复从前没法利用的遮罩

• 只需单击几下,便可无缝,使人服气天克制反射战光芒欠安的状况

• 利用智能添补算法规复缺得的边沿

• 主动消弭锯齿,保存边沿细节

• 从已抠像的镜头中规复丧失的颜色

• 兼容4K



After Effects 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015
Premiere 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015
Media Encoder 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017


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