RealFlow流体模拟特效教程 CGCircuit – RealFlow 10 Tutorials

RealFlow流体模仿殊效教程 CGCircuit – RealFlow 10 Tutorials3851,realflow,流体,体模仿,模仿,殊效

realflow流体模仿殊效教程 CGCircuit – RealFlow 10 Tutorials

解说RealFlow 10中几种差别模仿流体的办法,包罗各类粒子范例的引见,好比尺度默许的粒子, Dyverso, Hybrido体系等,差别粒子体系的感化,也触及到沙子战雪的模仿,用到3dsMax, NUKE, RealFlow硬件

I`m glad to introduce a new series of lesson from RealFlow. In four different parts, you can learn the main tools and methods for liquid simulation.Beginning with the basic lessons for those, who doesn’t know anything about this program to the large scale simulations with using the huge amount of particles. We gonna cover all types of particles – the standard particles, Dyverso, Hybrido system. Find some abilities for rigid dynamics. And even look for some sand and snow simulation, using the granular particles. For those, who want even more, we add some lessons for compositing to make your simulations looks good. And also you can find some scenes as examples.

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