AE脚本-为基本图形属性参数自动命名 Essential Namer V1.0 使用教程

AE剧本-为根本图形属性参数主动定名 Essential Namer V1.0   利用教程5581,

剧本能够正在将属性增加到“根本图形”里板中时主动为其定名,以连结您的主属性有条不紊。主属性是After Effects的主要弥补,可是将多个属性增加到“根本图形”里板能够会招致紊乱,由于多个属性具有不异的称号。当将属性增加到“根本图形”里板中时,它们会主动定名,Essential Namer可使您的项目有条不紊,而且更沉紧天停止导航。Essential Namer仍是一个简化建造活动图形模板(mogrt)的历程的超卓东西,终极用户能够沉紧阅读。

Master properties are a great addition to After Effects. However, adding several properties to the Essential Graphics panel can create disorganization by having several properties with the same name. Essential Namer keeps your project organized and easier to navigate with less work by automatically naming properties as they are added to the Essential Graphics panel. Essential Namer is also a great tool to streamline the process of making motion graphics templates (mogrt) for easy navigation by the end-user.

After Effects Win/Mac 2020, CC 2019


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