Houdini Vellum柔体布料功能介绍教程 CGCircuit

Houdini Vellum柔体布料功用引见教程 CGCircuit7399,houdini,布料,功用,引见,教程

houdini Vellum柔体布料功用引见教程 CGCircuit – Discovering Houdini Vellum

正在 Houdini 中完成 vellum功用后,它已成为一个更壮大且自力的法式,由于它扩大了 Houdini 施行多品种型模仿的才能列表,即布料、头收、柔体战颗粒。 固然,正在此之前,也能够施行此类使命,但vellum曾经完全改动了那些范畴,并引进理解决此类使命的新办法,并带去了宏大的潜力。

What can be said about vellum? So, After the vellum was implemented in Houdini, it has become a much more powerful and self-contained program, as it expanded the list of Houdini’s capabilities to perform many types of simulations, namely cloth, hair, soft-body, and grains.Of course, before that, it was also possible to perform such kinds of tasks, but vellum has revolutionized these areas, and introduced a new approach to solving such tasks, and brought enormous potential.

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