Blender全面基础入门教程 Artstation – Blender Basics Mini Course

Blender片面根底进门教程 Artstation – Blender Basics Mini Course8629,

Blender片面根底进门教程 Artstation – Blender Basics Mini Course

4个半小时的视频教程,解说Blender 2.9菜单UI、正在建模、揭图材量、场景灯光战衬着圆里的利用

In this course Im going to take you from your first steps into blender into creating a scene with lighting, texture and composition. I will show you the basics I use in my everyday workflow as an artist and give you enough tools for you to continue your journey using Blender. this course is for artists who want to have a crash course into the software and learn enough to be able to start creating.

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