AE插件-抽象三维图形循环动画生成插件 Aura v1.1.1 Win/Mac版 使用教程

AE插件-笼统三维图形轮回动绘天生插件 Aura v1.1.1 Win/Mac版 利用教程9669,


Aura是After Effects的一款新插件,可正在3D空间中创立文雅的多少外形。 它相似于粒子体系,但它没有是正在全部处所衬着小粒子,而是天生像典范Radiowaves插件一样随工夫变革的矢量外形(海浪)。 它能够衬着数十万个下频波,并缔造出引人入胜的动绘结果。


Aura is a procedural plug-in for After Effects that creates elegant geometric shapes in 3D space. It’s akin to a particle system but instead of rendering small particles all over the place, it generates vector like shapes (waves) that change over time much like the classic Radiowaves plug-in. It renders hundreds of thousands of high-frequency waves without sweat and creates mesmerizing animations.


v1.1.1 更新内乱容:

– 改正了正在性命值完毕后招致海浪断断绝绝的毛病。


撑持Win/Mac体系: AE CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017


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