Maya+PS屋顶瓦片建模贴图教程 ArtStation – Roof Tile Texture

Maya+PS屋顶瓦片建模揭图教程 ArtStation – Roof Tile Texture19,maya,屋顶,瓦片,建模,揭图

maya+PS屋顶瓦片建模揭图教程 ArtStation – Roof Tile Texture – Complete Workflow From 3D Modeling to Photoshop

正在Maya中对瓦片停止建模战揭图烘焙,PS中停止揭图的调解,次要用到Maya, Photoshop, nDO, XNormal硬件

In this tutorial, I show how you can quickly model tiling textures using your preferred modeling package, finishing it up in Photoshop.

I will start with a simple roof tile, and lay it out in a tileable pattern. I then create variation by duplicating and tweaking the original tiles, and randomizing each tiles position/scale/rotation.

Next, I fix any overlapping errors by hand. Once my high-poly is finished, I bring the baked maps to Photoshop, and use a combination of photo sources and hand-painted details to finish the texture.

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