3DS MAX+Substance木头凳子制作教程 ArtStation – Old Wooden Stool Full Creation Process + Game Ready

3DS MAX+Substance木头凳子建造教程 ArtStation – Old Wooden Stool Full Creation Process + Game Ready9815,3ds,max,substance,木头,凳子

3ds max+substance木头凳子建造教程 ArtStation – Old Wooden Stool Full Creation Process + Game Ready

4个小时视频教程,正在3DS MAX中完成凳子的建模战展UV,然后正在Substance Painter停止揭图建造战烘焙,Marvelous Designer中做布料的模仿,和Marmoset Toolbag的衬着

We’re covering blockout, high and low poly creation , UV unwrapping, baking maps, industry-standard texturing techniques, and presenting your work using Marmoset Toolbag. This course will teach you everything you need to know about creating props for the games industry!

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