ZBrush硬面建模教程(英文字幕) Skillshare

ZBrush硬里建模教程(英笔墨幕) Skillshare5851,zbrush,硬里,建模,教程,英文

zbrush硬里建模教程(英文字幕) Skillshare – ZBrush Hard Surface Prime

解说ZBrush 2022中硬里建模的步调战办法本领,进修建模步调用到的笔刷、东西等

Throughout the years, ZBrush has Become a true sandbox of freeform 3D Creativity.This Intermediate level Course covers the best hard surface features inside ZBrush (2022 and up).Made to mimic the Direct, “Sweet and Simple” Approach of ZBrush Classroom.It features a learn as you go approach, with each lesson building upon previous ones.

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