ZBrush个性化角色人物建模教程 FlippedNormals – Stylized Character Sculpting in ZBrush – Majora & Skull Kid

ZBrush本性化脚色人物建模教程 FlippedNormals – Stylized Character Sculpting in ZBrush – Majora & Skull Kid9630,zbrush,本性,本性化,脚色,脚色人物

zbrush本性脚色人物建模教程 FlippedNormals – Stylized Character Sculpting in ZBrush – Majora & Skull Kid

正在那 10 小时的课程中,我们将逐渐引见怎样正在ZBrush中建造本性化脚色模子,也会用到Blender、3D-Coat、Mudbox等硬件

In this 10 hour course, we will go through, step by step, how to create Skull Kid with Majora’s Mask from the franchise The Legend of Zelda. You will be able to follow along with every step as nothing is skipped or time-lapsed. There’s full commentary for every chapter, giving you insight into how a professional ZBrush character artist works.

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