Substance人物皮肤贴图制作教程 FlippedNormals

Substance人物皮肤揭图建造教程 FlippedNormals3331,

Substance人物皮肤揭图建造教程 FlippedNormals – Handpainting Skin Textures in Substance Painter

正在Substance Painter中脚画建造人物皮肤揭图,好比怎样建造粗拙战深度纹理,细节的建造等

In this Substance Painter tutorial, you’ll learn everything you need in order to paint realistic human skin from scratch. We use very easy techniques which everyone can use. The series starts off by laying down a quick base with only a few colors, which are then refined as we progress. We’ll also cover how to paint roughness and bump maps, to greatly increase realism.

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