3DS MAX 2023全面介绍基础教程(英文字幕) Linkedin

3DS MAX 2023片面引见根底教程(英笔墨幕) Linkedin667,3ds,max,2023,片面,引见

3ds max 2023片面引见根底教程(英笔墨幕) Linkedin – 3ds Max 2023 Essential Training

做者片面引见3DS MAX 2023的根底常识面,包罗差别的建模手艺:样条线、多边形战细分直里。规划战相机操纵、野生战天然光照和材量战纹理揭图的使用历程。 最初对取 3ds Max 绑缚的衬着器(比方 Arnold 战 Quicksilver)的选项停止解说等。

This course covers 3ds Max 2023 from the ground up. Instructor Aaron F. Ross provides an overview of the entire package, as well as essential skills that 3D artists need to create professional assets. Aaron shows you how to get around the 3ds Max interface and customize it to suit your preferences. He demonstrates different modeling techniques: Splines, polygons, and subdivision surfaces. Aaron explains the processes of layout and camera operation, artificial and natural lighting, and application of materials and texture maps. He illustrates best practices for constructing hierarchies and animating with keyframes, and concludes with a survey of options for renderers bundled with 3ds Max, such as Arnold and Quicksilver.

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