高山地形制作教程 Levelup

下山天形建造教程 Levelup6038,下山,山天,天形,形造,建造

腐化天形建造教程 Levelup – Terrain Erosion in Substance Designer – Bohdan Bilous

正在Substance Designer中建造下山天然天形结果,山顶腐蚀结果,3.5小时的视频教程,会逐渐解说各类揭图掌握的办法

Substance Designer is one of the most versatile programs around today. In this tutorial, Bohdan Bilous shares his techniques for yet another Substance Designer use case – how to create realistic looking eroded terrain procedurally. Step-by-step, Bohdan walks you through the process of creating mountain shapes, erosion nodes, color maps, as well as final presentation.

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