C4D Redshift渲染器材质制作教程 Skillshare

C4D Redshift衬着东西量建造教程 Skillshare464,

C4D Redshift衬着东西量建造教程 Skillshare – Introduction to Redshift Materials Metals


In this class we will learn the process for creating metal materials inside the Shader Graph for the Redshift Render Engine inside of Maxon’s Cinema 4D (C4D). This class is for beginners and experienced users alike looking to learn how to use many of the tools and workflow tips inside the Redshift Shader Graph in order to create amazing materials. If you are brand new to Redshift then you should first take my Introduction to Redshift: The Basics course. Throughout this course we will create over 50 metals and breakdown many of the most common Nodes and how they work. We start off simple and work our way up node by node. By the end you’ll be creating very complex materials with ease.

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