二维故事版动画教程 Animate CC Dynamic Anime Action

两维故事版动绘教程 Animate CC Dynamic Anime Action8872,两维,故事,动绘,动绘教程,教程

两维故事动绘教程 Animate CC Dynamic Anime Action

操纵 Animate CC 去建造10S的静态故事版,假如将两维图片付与生机,解说一些经常使用的本领等

In this course, Animate CC Dynamic Anime Action, you’ll learn how to create a 10+ second action sequence like those commonly found in anime. First, you’ll board an animatic featuring many typical anime action shots. Next, you’ll learn many tips and tricks while roughing out the animation for the shots. Finally, you’ll add some polish by cleaning up and inking the final sequence. When you’re finished with this Animate CC course, you’ll not only have a slick compelling 2D action animation, but you’ll also have a good foundation of tricks and techniques to add anime action into your next animation.

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