眼珠建模材质制作教程 Gumroad – Realistic Eyes for Games

眸子建模材量建造教程 Gumroad – Realistic Eyes for Games4088,

眸子建模材量建造教程 Gumroad – Realistic Eyes for Games

游戏动绘中眸子的建模战揭图建造教程,包罗Maya的建模,解说多种办法去建造眼睛,然后解说正在Marmoset Toolbag 2中法线揭图的烘焙,材量的建造战衬着等

This video will take you through creating realistic eyes for video games from start to finish. We will cover some theory at the start by analyzing reference. We will look at eye anatomy and decide on the specific traits of the eyeball that we need to accurately create. It will move into Maya for modeling and we will cover various ways of creating eyes. We will discuss the upside and downside of the various ways eyes can be created and ultimately will make a version of the eyes that will properly simulate all aspects of the eye. We will then move into baking normal maps, texturing the eyes and rendering them in Marmoset Toolbag 2

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