C4D快速建模小技巧教程 15 Tips for Modeling More Effectively in Cinema 4D

C4D快速建模小本领教程 15 Tips for Modeling More Effectively in Cinema 4D6722,

C4D快速建模小本领教程 15 Tips for Modeling More Effectively in Cinema 4D 


Konstantin Magnus offers some insights into working more effectively in Cinema 4D, covering some best practice tips for modeling.

  1. Reference images, blueprints, backdrops, measurements
  2. Organizing scenes
  3. Amount of polygons
  4. Plan topology
  5. Define Goal
  6. Begin in flat land
  7. Order of execution
  8. Check after each step
  9. Repeat, dont fix
  10. Focus on complex areas first
  11. Isolate problems
  12. Backups
  13. Keep it parametric
  14. Use textures for high frequency detail
  15. Abstract

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