红巨星路径三维动画插件Trapcode Tao使用教程

白巨星途径三维动绘插件Trapcode Tao利用教程167,白巨星,巨星,星路,途径,三维

巨星途径三维动绘插件Trapcode Tao利用教程

Trapcode Tao是白巨星正在粒子套拆Trapcode 13新增长的一个插件,那个插件能够沿途径建造三维物体动绘,包罗图形外形,缎带等,途径滥觞包罗遮罩,途径战活动途径,撑持摄像灵活绘战灯光

3D geometries animated along a path

  • – Generate Geometric shapes, ribbons and more
  • – Create geometries from Masks, Paths, and Motion
  • – Works with After Effects’ 3D camera and lights


  1. Paths and Segments  途径战分段
  2. Repeaters and Deformers  反复战其他变形器
  3. Materials and Rendering  材量战衬着


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