C4D瓶酒杯子产品可视化建模渲染教程 3DFluff

C4D瓶羽觞子产物可视化建模衬着教程 3DFluff4584,c4d,羽觞,杯子,子产,产物

c4d羽觞子产品可视化建模衬着教程 3DFluff – Cinema 4D R15 Product Visualization

C4D R15产物可视化建模衬着教程,以啤酒为例,解说玻璃杯子,啤酒战火珠的建模衬着教程,一个很贸易化的案例

Making a nice looking pint of beer, it sounds so simple on the face of it, but then your client asks for a nice foam head, so you begin to scratch yours. Next they want it to look refreshing with condensation forming on the glass, but you begin to sweat more than the glass because every time you try, it either looks terrible or your render times rocket up into the stratosphere.


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