Maya Mental Ray渲染器全面基础教程 Lynda Up and Running with mental ray in Maya

Maya Mental Ray衬着器片面根底教程 Lynda Up and Running with mental ray in Maya5823,maya,mental,ray,衬着,衬着器

maya mental ray衬着器片面根底教程 Lynda Up and Running with mental ray in Maya

Maya用户许多用mental ray衬着器的,那个教程片面引见mental ray衬着器的用法,从界里到灯光东西,GI设置等,最初借解说了Unified Sampling战衬着中的景深,置换揭图等

Meet mental ray, the render engine of choice for many Maya users. In this course, Brian Bradley covers the basic and not-so-basic features of this production-proven renderer. Brian introduces the mental ray workflow, lighting tools, global illumination toolset, and the mia materials. Last but not least, he covers the Unified Sampling engine and render effects such as caustics, depth of field, and displacement mapping.

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