AE脚本-文字字体类型变形工具 Type Morph v2.0 使用教程

AE剧本-笔墨字体范例变形东西 Type Morph v2.0   利用教程158,


那是一款正在After Effects中的可变字体东西AE剧本。能够用做多种字体的笔墨,利用宽度,细细,截线等静态属性,能够及时修正可变字体。


A Variable Font is a single font that acts as multiple fonts. Using dynamic attributes such as width, weight, serif and others, variable fonts can be modified live t’s hardly an overstatement to claim that the variable font might revolutionize the way we design and use type, and it seems like we’re only beginning to tap into the possible implications that follow.


– 增加了次要功用:如今能够一次变形全部单词
– 改良的控件
– 建复了创立 Null 工具的成绩

撑持Win/Mac体系:AE 2020,CC 2019


使用道具 举报