AE教程-模拟电影效果视频调色教程 Get The Film Look To Your Digital Videos in Adobe Premiere and After Effect

AE教程-模仿影戏结果视频调色教程 Get The Film Look To Your Digital Videos in Adobe Premiere and After Effect516,

正在数字视频的天下中,无需高贵的插件便可正在 Adob​​e Premiere 战 After Effects 中完成影戏般的表面。将引见使用胶片颗粒、创立我们本人的一组色彩表面、以风趣的方法低落帧速度、Vingetting 等等,那些内乱容将合成为何那些特别结果是影戏汗青的一部门。


In a world of digital video, it’s possible to achieve a film-like look within Adobe Premiere and After Effects without expensive plugins.  We’ll cover applying film grain, creating our own set of color Looks, chopping up the frame rate in interesting ways, vingetting and more in a series that breaks down why these particular effects are part of film history.  See you in class!


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