AE教程-制作彩色炫光叠加转场动画特效(英文字幕) Create Light Leaks and Transitions in After Effects

AE教程-建造彩色炫光叠减转场动绘殊效(英笔墨幕) Create Light Leaks and Transitions in After Effects4256,

正在本课程中,我将教您怎样正在 After Effects 中创立漏光战过渡。您将进修怎样创立单一的、多色的漏光和漏光过渡,您可使用它们正在视频中的差别场景之间切换。不只云云,您借将进修怎样将那些漏光战过渡导出到视频素材中,以便稍后正在差别的硬件中利用。做为教室项目,您将创立本人的漏光战过渡,必需正在视频中利用。


In this class, I will teach you how to create Light Leaks and Transitions in After Effects. You will learn how to create Single, Multicolored Light Leaks along with Light Leak Transitions which you can use to switch between different scenes in videos. Not only this you will also learn how to export these Light Leaks and Transitions into video footage which can be used in different software later on. As a class project, you will create your own light leak and transition which you have to use in a video.


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