C4D/Nuke/Ae/Mocha高级视频特效合成制作教程 VFX Central – VFX Crash Course

C4D/Nuke/Ae/Mocha初级视频殊效分解建造教程 VFX Central – VFX Crash Course3426,初级,视频,视频殊效,殊效,殊效分解

理解怎样进步做为VFX艺术家的妙技。将教您专业VFX硬件的收支和创立使人惊讶的视觉结果所需的历程。进修VFX流程并从头至尾创立使人惊讶的VFX镜头。正在本课程完毕时,您将可以以很小的预算创立本人的影戏VFX视觉殊效。触及到的硬件也十分多 Photoshop, Fuse, Mixamo, After Effects, Syntheyes, Mocha Pro, 3D Coat, Cinema 4D, Octane, Redshift, X-Particles, Blackmagic Fusion,Nuke等。


If you are passionate about film making and or visual effects and want to learn how to create stunning FX from home, this course is for you! Don’t be scared if you are new to VFX (visual effects). I will walk you through each step and make the process enjoyable, creative and fun.


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