AE脚本:颜色渐变快速生成器 AEscripts FXGradient v1.0

AE剧本:色彩突变快速天生器 AEscripts FXGradient v1.08336,剧本,色彩,突变,快速,速死


正在After Effects中最好的创立初级突变东西!只需单击一个按钮,便可沉紧创立战编纂线性,圆形径背,角度战反射斜坡等,并具有浩瀚的色彩预设。


The most user-friendly way to create advanced gradient ramps in After Effects! Easily create and edit linear, radial, angular and reflected ramps with the click of a button, and colorize them with one of the 30 trendy and useful color presets. Even add some special FX options like tiling, grain and turbulence !


撑持Win/Mac体系:AE CC 2019 – CS 6


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