Blender插件-现代室内灯具灯光效果工具 Glare V1.1 Modern Light Asset Ies Light

Blender插件-当代室内乱灯具灯光结果东西 Glare V1.1  Modern Light Asset   Ies Light6089,blender,插件,当代,室内乱,室内乱灯具

Glare是一个由当代灯光资本构成的附减组件,此中包罗下量量的 3D 灯光资本战 IES 灯光。它由 7 种差别范例的照明装备构成,并包罗 80 多种下量量资产 ,那些资产针对轮回战 Eevee 衬着引擎停止了劣化。该插件专为那些需求沉资产项目并简化事情流程的人而设想。 


Glare is an add-on consisting collection of modern light assets which include high quality 3D light assets and IES lights. It consists of 7 different types of lighting fixtures and is packed with 80 high quality assets which is optimized for both cycles and Eevee render engine. The add-on is designed specifically to those who needs light assets to their projects and ease up the workflow.

撑持blender 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0


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