达芬奇教程-视频调色基础入门学习 DaVinci Resolve for Beginners

达芬偶教程-视频调色根底进门进修 DaVinci Resolve for Beginners6150,达芬偶,芬偶,教程,视频,调色

利用芬偶那款壮大的前期建造硬件进修颜色校订战颜色分级视频素材的根本常识。正在那个 6 门课程的 Domestika Basics 中,Alex Berry 背您展现了怎样利用免费前期建造硬件 DaVinci Resolve 供给的根本战初级功用去均衡微风格化您的视频片断。起首取您的讲师会晤并理解色彩分级的观点战目标。探究 DaVinci Resolve 的界里,理解怎样筹办视频素材停止着色。然后,进修开端均衡战校订色彩所需的差别东西。理解怎样利用范畴战级别去权衡战比力调解以婚配差别镜头之间的素材。理解怎样利用键、电动窗心、直线战枢纽帧等帮助控件对色彩停止准确调解。探究限制符东西并理解怎样对图象的特定地区停止调解。进修 Alex 最喜好的本领,让您的影戏具有共同的气势派头。探究 LUT 并理解怎样利用示波器去解构战模仿您正在理想天下中找到的表面。最年夜限度天进步您的事情服从,并理解怎样进步色彩分级事情的服从。理解 Alex 怎样利用长途成就战节面树构造他的事情流程。最初,进修怎样导出您的视频片断并取您的客户分享。检察DaVinci Resolve中备份项目战数据库的最好方法,和利用第三圆硬件能够碰到的成绩。


In this 6-course Domestika Basics, Alex Berry shows you how to add balance and stylize your video footage with the basic and advanced features offered in the free post-production software DaVinci Resolve.

Get started by meeting your instructor and learning about the concepts and purpose of color grading. Explore the interface of DaVinci Resolve and learn how to prepare your video footage for coloring.

Then, learn the different tools needed to start balancing and correcting color. Discover how to measure and compare adjustments using scopes and levels to match footage between different shots.

See how to make precise adjustments to color with secondary controls like keys, power windows, curves, and keyframes. Discover the Qualifier tool and learn how to make adjustments to specific areas of an image.

Learn Alex’s favorite techniques for giving your film a unique stylized look. Explore LUTs and see how to use scopes to deconstruct and emulate looks you find in the real world.

Maximize your productivity and learn how to be more efficient with your color grading work. See how Alex organizes his workflow with remote grades and node trees.

Finally, learn how to export your video footage and share it with your clients. See the best way to backup a project and database in DaVinci Resolve, and the problems you may encounter with third-party software.


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