高效实用三维电影特效制作软件 SideFX Houdini FX 18.5.596 Win

下效适用三维影戏殊效建造硬件 SideFX Houdini FX 18.5.596 Win5616,下效,效真,适用,三维,三维影戏

Houdini 18引进了SideFX Solaris(基于USD-based的lookdev,规划战照明情况),将法式东西引进了管讲的那一主要部门。此版本借包罗用于设置Destruction战Pyro FX射击的基于SOP的东西,和全部硬件的UX加强功用。SideFX Houdini FX一款下效适用的3D殊效建造东西,最新版功用刁悍,能够协助用户更快天创立更多内乱容硬件操纵烦琐,而且借加强了着色器东西, 群体动绘模仿战Houdini的引擎,同时建模衬着战动绘东西皆有明显的改进加强。

Houdini 18 introduces SideFX Solaris – a USD-based context for lookdev, layout and lighting that brings procedural tools to this important part of the pipeline. This release also includes SOP-based tools for configuring Destruction and Pyro FX shots, and UX enhancements throughout the software.


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