利用Quick Shape插件,您将可以立刻以3D情势画造外形,期望它能使3D建模再次变得风趣!可以做到朋分,锥化或推伸多少体;先辈的事情仄面临齐功用,因而您能够从任何标的目的停止画造。
I`m so happy to share with you a blender add-on that Aleksandr Kilimnik and I have been working on for over a year.We poured our souls into it and hopefully it will make 3D modelling fun again!With QuickShape you will be able to draw shapes instantly in 3D. HOME – https://gumroad.com/l/tOWta
- 利用圆框,圆形,套索,NGON或Metaball画造
- NGON,具有捕获功用,徒脚绘图战Arc撑持
- 画造锥形/斜角外形
- 主动画造战镜像每一个画造的外形
- 随机化深度以使外形变革
- UV连结完好以停止建模
- 另有更多!