Blender插件-三维模型硬表面焊接工具 Welder V1.1.5

Blender插件-三维模子硬外表焊接东西 Welder V1.1.53625,blender,插件,三维,三维模子,模子

焊接东西 Welder是一切坚固外表艺术家的必备品。此插件将协助您立刻增长艺术品的可托度。焊接创立从已云云简朴,只需挑选两个工具并单击一个按钮沿其订交处停止焊接。您会以为很有创意,该插件借可让您自在天将其画造正在另外一个模子外表上。

功用完好列表:-5种焊缝,-沿2个物体的交面主动焊接, -可缩放刻度战扭转角度,-利用直线小部件修正焊接表面,-正在编纂形式下沿着选定的edgeloop停止焊接, -徒脚绘。


Welder is a must have for all hard surface artist. This addon will help you add believability to your artworks in no time. Welds creation has never been that easy, just select two objects and click one button to weld them along their intersection.I you’re feeling creative, this addon will also allow you to or draw it free-hand on another models surface

撑持 blender 2.79, 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9


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