C4D/Rhino/Sketchup插件-多功能实时GPU物理渲染器 Thea Render v2.2 Win版

C4D/Rhino/Sketchup插件-多功用及时GPU物理衬着器 Thea Render v2.2 Win版7567,

Thea Render是功用最齐的衬着器,具有开始进的无偏偏,偏偏置战GPU引擎。Thea Render是下量量的基于物理的齐局照明衬着器。那是一个共同的衬着器,可以正在Biased photorealistic,Unbiased战GPU形式下利用最新手艺停止衬着。

Thea Render is a physically-based global illumination renderer of high quality. It is a unique renderer that is able to render using state-of-the-art techniques in Biased photorealistic, Unbiased and GPU modes. In Thea Render, we have created a compact number of highly realistic materials using the most accurate physically based models. These models are designed to produce highly energy conservative material combinations.



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