灰猩猩GSG C4D新手入门基础教程 Greyscalegorilla

灰猩猩GSG C4D新脚进门根底教程 Greyscalegorilla4648,猩猩,gsg,c4d,新脚,新脚进门

猩猩gsg c4d新脚进门根底教程 Greyscalegorilla – Guide to Cinema 4D C4D R20/R21/S22 Training/Project


  • C4D R20 Projects
  • C4D R21 Projects
  • R20 Training
  • R21 Training
  • S22 Training

The Greyscalegorilla Guide to Cinema 4D brings you up to date with the newest releases of C4D. Learn about features like Fields, Nodes, Volumes, Field Force, Caps and Bevels, CAD Imports, Modeling, and so much more.16+ hours guiding you through the latest Cinema 4D releases (now including R21) to show you everything you need to know about new features and tools.

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