Blender油墨手绘着色器预设 Blender Illustration Shader Advanced V3

Blender油朱脚画着色器预设 Blender Illustration Shader Advanced V3323,

Blender油朱脚画着色器预设 Blender Illustration Shader Advanced V3

能够正在Blender种模仿油朱脚画结果,掌握脚画的色彩、动绘等,撑持Cycles 战EEVEE衬着器

Have you ever wanted to take the 3D scenes and turn them into a PAINTING! That is exactly what this shader and workflow was created for! This shader distributes paint strokes across your objects and breaks up the edges of both your scene and individual objects. Each stroke is a solid color picked straight from either the object’s texture or color input given to it.


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