AE中心点锚点移动对齐脚本 Move Anchor Point V4.1.0 Win/Mac

AE中间面锚面挪动对齐剧本 Move Anchor Point V4.1.0 Win/Mac1842,中间,中间面,锚面,挪动,对齐

AE中间锚面挪动对齐剧本 Move Anchor Point V4.1.0 Win/Mac

Move Anchor Point如今是以扩大的情势正在AE中利用,UI界里愈加构造化,增长网格布列战Z轴挪动预设,自界说预设贮存,按照图层内乱容去挪动中间面

Move Anchor Point is now an extension, which means you get a more powerful, more responsive and a more personalized user experience.


  • Move Anchor Point is now an Extension
  • Modular interface for improved customization
  • Resizable grid and z-space presets
  • New ‘Match’ functionaily. Match anchor points by layer name searching
  • Create quick presets for custom moves and search matches
  • Move a shape layer’s anchor point based on its contents


  • Win/Mac CC 2014-2022,中文版/英文版AE

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