Blender EEVEE场景灯光材质节点预设 Eevee Production Suite

Blender EEVEE场景灯光材量节面预设 Eevee Production Suite4521,blender,场景,灯光,材量,节面

blender EEVEE场景灯光材量节面预设 Eevee Production Suite


  • Create scenes very fast in EEVEE with proper light and materials. New: And modular assets.
  • Make a production in no time. Block your scene, pimp it up, give it light, add material and render in 5 frames a second.
  • The ONLY product that cares about probes, render settings, and light settings for EEVEE.
  • Intuitive workflow, active development, active community: It’s alive!


  • 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0, 3.1


  • 正在顶部菜单编纂(Edit)-尾选项(Preference)-插件(Add-ons)-装置(Install),弹窗里挑选对应的版本zip装置
  • 翻开Blender,正在文件-用户设置-插件,便可看到装置的插件了

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