Storyboard三维故事板教程(英文字幕) Lynda

Storyboard三维故事板教程(英笔墨幕) Lynda4794,三维,故事,故事板,教程,英文

Storyboard三维故事教程(英文字幕) Lynda – Storyboarding in 3D with Storyboard Pro

解说正在Storyboard Pro中建造三维故事板的步调流程,好比三维物体的增加,三维摄像机的设置等

In this course, Mark Simon—a storyboard artists for shows like The Walking Dead—teaches you how to accurately represent 3D objects and 3D camera moves in Storyboard Pro. Discover how to use 3D tools, navigate in 3D space, set up a 3D library, import 3D models, position and animate 3D cameras, and convert scenes to 3D. Plus, learn how to move between dimensions: rendering 3D models in 2D, adding 2D art to 3D scenes, and more.

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