AE脚本-自动快速生成伪三维摄像机视差动画 AutoParallax v1.0

AE剧本-主动快速天生真三维摄像机视好动绘 AutoParallax v1.05147,剧本,主动,快速,速死,天生

autoParallax 是一个简朴但功用壮大的 After Effects 剧本凡是,正在设想中增加视好结果(2.5D挪动)时,必需正在挪动Z地位后从头调解比例战XY地位,免得毁坏设想(由于表面尺微暇会按照间隔的间隔而变革取相机连结间隔)。运转此剧本后,XY 地位战比例将主动调解为取本初设想不异。您所要做的便是调解 Z 地位!撑持Win/Mac


autoParallax is a simple but powerful script for After Effects.Normally, when adding a parallax effect (2.5D movement) to the design, you must readjust the scale and XY position after moving the Z position in order not to disrupt the design. (Since the apparent size will change according to the distancte to the camera.) Once you’ve run this script, XY position and scale will be adjusted automatically to look the same as original design. All you have to do is adjusting Z position!


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