Sketchup + Keyshot制作科幻模型场景三维动画教程 Gumroad

Sketchup + Keyshot建造科幻模子场景三维动绘教程 Gumroad2329,

Sketchup + Keyshot建造科幻模子场景三维动绘教程 Gumroad – Camera Drone – Chris Rosewarne

Sketchup + Keyshot+Photoshop共同利用的一个流利教程,正在Sketchup中对球体模子停止建模动绘,然后正在Keyshot中停止灯光情况衬着,最初正在PS中做前期分解增加细节

I go over designing directly in SketchUp, working with parallel projections to ensure correct visual proportions without the need for measurements. I cover booleaning into curved geometry to create slick surface details and smooth panel lines that are not often seen in SketchUp models, also demonstrating the power of arrays and components to make the software do the bulk of the time consuming modeling, I like to make sure I don’t model anything twice!

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