


Facebook 是一家位于好国减州圣马刁郡门洛帕克市的正在线交际收集效劳网站。其称号的灵感去自好国下中供给给门生包罗照片战联络数据的通信录昵称 "face book"。Facebook 于2004年2月4日由马克·扎克伯格战他的哈佛年夜教室友们所创建。Facebook 的会员最后只限哈梵学死参加,厥后也逐步扩大到其他正在波士顿地区的同窗利用,此中包罗部门常秋藤名校、麻省理工、纽约年夜教、斯坦祸年夜教等。接着,Facebook 逐步放宽注册权限,并正在最初开放给任何13岁及以上的用户停止利用。
Message from Facebook: This Could Be War
Messaging apps are arguably the most successful smartphone apps, collectively boasting more than 3 billion accounts; WhatsApp, the leader, alone has 700m. But there is more to them than messages. At an event that starts today in San Francisco, Facebook is expected to say that it will turn its app—called Messenger—which has 500m users, into a "platform". That means others will be able to develop software for it (for gaming, hotel bookings, tickets and so on). Facebook is following WeChat, the leading messaging service in China, and KakaoTalk, a South Korean app, which are already platforms of sorts. But it is also moving into territory occupied by Apple and Google and their respective smartphone operating systems, iOS and Android. Tech veterans may recall the "browser wars" of the late 1990s—the last time a successful program, Netscape\'s Navigator, tried to usurp a dominant operating system, Microsoft\'s Windows. The messaging wars may be just beginning.
arguably: adv. 可论证天 (用于减缓尽对性语气鼓鼓)
collectively: adv. 配合天;部分天 (同等于 altogether)
boast: vt. 骄傲天具有
account: n. 账户 (此处置解为用户”)
at an event: 介词拆配 at / in an event
platform: n. 仄台
of sorts: 那一类的
usurp: vt. 篡位 (取后文中 dominant (主导职位) 构成对应)
copycat: n. 盗窟
甲骨文公司 (Oracle) 是环球最年夜的疑息办理硬件及效劳供给商。公司建立于1977年,总部位于好国减州白木乡的白木岸 (Redwood shore);
1977年,劳伦斯·埃里森 (Lawrence J. Ellison: 甲骨文 CEO) 同别的两名合股人正在好国减州圣塔克推推合伙建立了一所名为硬件开展的尝试室 (SDL: Software Development Laboratories)。1978年,尝试室以汇编言语开辟出初版甲骨文体系 (Oracle)。1979年,尝试室改名为干系式硬件公司 (RSI: Relational Software, Inc.)。1982年,公司改名为甲骨文体系公司 (Oracle Systems Corporation) 并正式推出甲骨文体系。从最后的年进账没有及百万好金,到2017年的1900亿美圆市值。甲骨文是继微硬后,环球支出第两多的硬件公司。
Ask the Oracle: What next for Salesforce?
The flood of rumours about a takeover of Salesforce, a cloud-computing pioneer worth $47 billion, has slowed to a trickle since Microsoft indicated this month that it had no plans for a purchase. But the matter is certain to come up today when Marc Benioff, Salesforce\'s larger-than-life boss, talks to investors and analysts about first-quarter results. This looks like a good moment for Mr Benioff to sell: Salesforce\'s growth seems to have peaked and it hasn\'t made a quarterly profit since mid-2011. The likeliest suitor remains Oracle, the world\'s second-biggest software-seller, despite repeated denials. Salesforce is cut from Oracle cloth: not only is Mr Benioff a former Oracle executive, but his firm is also built on Oracle technology. What\'s more, as well as having the financial heft for such a deal, Oracle needs to strengthen its cloud business—and has a succession problem. Salesforce could be the answer to both.
Oracle: 甲骨文公司 (天下第两年夜硬件商。此处单闭有神谕”的意义)
rumour:  n. 传行;飞短流长
trickle: n. 细流;小火流
larger-than-life: adj. 有魅力的;胜利的;有指导才气的
peak: vi. 抵达高峰
denial: n. 回绝;否认
suitor: n. 寻求者
cut from the same cloth: 同类机理纹路的事物;同路货
heft: vt. 掂......的重量
succession: n. 担当者

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