78组木材横梁竹子撞击摆动跌落无损音效 Wood

78组木料横梁竹子碰击摆动跌降无益音效 Wood8895,78,木料,横梁,梁竹,竹子

包罗从竹子、板条、横梁、木板、板条、仓库战木料等各类木造滥觞捕捉的78种声音,一切声音皆包罗差别范例的灌音,比方跌降、漂移、跌降、碰击、摆动战活动。一切那些皆是以差别的麦克风视角战差别巨细的内乱容(年夜、中、小)捕捉的,您能够按照需求自在利用它们。具有使人易以置疑的 192kHz/24 位采样率,可为您供给最好量量的极度音下转换战 FX处置,同时连结一流的明晰度战粗度。以差别的麦克风视角捕获并包罗各类间隔录造面,用于正在远间隔、中等、近间隔等处获得声音。假如您正在寻觅木量声音时碰到艰难,那末那套音效能够协助您!


The “Wood” SFX library featuring 78 sounds captured from variety of wooden sources from bamboo, batten, beam, plank, slat, stack and timber and all contains different type of recordings such as fall, drift, drops, impacts, wiggles and movement. All these are captured in different microphone perspectives and different size of content large, medium and small you are free to use them depending on your needs.



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