ZBrush人体结构雕刻教程 FlippedNormals

ZBrush人体构造雕琢教程 FlippedNormals153,zbrush,人体,人体构造,构造,雕琢

zbrush人体构造雕琢教程 FlippedNormals – Fundamental Anatomy for Sculptors by Christian Bull

正在本课程中,我们将讨论从剖解教参考书中自觉复建造品的范围性,并专注于一个体系,使我们可以以一种对我们的事情发生间接影响的方法停止剖解教研讨,不管我们是正在雕琢汉子、女人, 植物,或死物,有参考或出有参考。

In this course we look at the limitations of blindly copying work out of anatomy reference books, and focus on a system to allow us to approach anatomy study in a way that has immediate impact on our work, whether we’re sculpting men, women, animals, or creatures, with reference or without.

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