3DS MAX tyFlow插件粒子模拟特效教程 RedefineFX – tyFlow Basecamp: A Beginner 3D Simulation Course

3DS MAX tyFlow插件粒子模仿殊效教程 RedefineFX – tyFlow Basecamp: A Beginner 3D Simulation Course6572,

3DS MAX tyFlow插件粒子模仿殊效教程 RedefineFX – tyFlow Basecamp: A Beginner 3D Simulation Course

tyFlow是3DS MAX的一个模仿插件,本教程包罗40多个视频教程,解说tyFlow正在粒子模仿、布料模仿、破裂、力教、修正器等多圆里的利用

This is the course I wish had existed when I first started learning tyFlow. It would have saved me so much time and frustration of figuring all this stuff out by myself. Good news is that it exists now (finally), so you can take the shortcut and get there much faster. It’s designed to get you up & running with tyFlow quickly and covers the main pillars of what this powerful plugin can offer, including 40+ videos on particles, cloth simulations, destruction, forces, modifiers, splines and much more. The many practical examples will provide guidance & inspiration so you can start making your own particle & dynamic FX after just a few lessons.

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