Houdini沙袋撕裂特效教程 CG Circuit

Houdini沙袋扯破殊效教程 CG Circuit4837,

Houdini沙袋扯破殊效教程 CGCircuit – Sand Bag Tearing in Houdini

解说正在Houdini 19中建造一个沙袋网扯破的殊效教程,次要解说沙袋布料战啥子的交互感化,扯破结果,自界说掌握等

In this online course, you will learn how to create a convincing-looking cloth and sand simulation using Houdini’s vellum solver. The focus is on controlling the look and behavior of the sim by using noises, ramps, and custom attributes and utilizing the new features and speed introduced in Houdini 19 that make Vellum even more powerful than before.

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