ZBrush狗雕刻建模教程 Artistic Animal CG Sculpture

ZBrush狗雕琢建模教程 Artistic Animal CG Sculpture2600,zbrush,雕琢,建模,教程,artistic

zbrush雕琢建模教程 artistic Animal CG Sculpture

12个小时的视频教程,解说正在ZBrush中对狗建模雕琢的全部步调,会解说一些雕琢本领、肌肉、色彩灯光、导出设置等,会用到Zbrush, Maya, Substance Painter, Redshift, Photoshop等硬件

On this video tutorial, I cover all my process of creating CG illustrations

  • show my sculpting techniques
  • explain some anatomy
  • explain important ideas of how to make an appealing image
  • Color and lighting choices
  • Rendering/exporting settings, shader setup etc. – technical stuff
  • Compositing in photoshop

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