三维跟踪合成特效AE教程 Motion Design School

三维跟踪分解殊效AE教程 Motion Design School7120,

三维跟踪分解殊效AE教程 Motion Design School – MAD VFX in After Effects 完好版+工程文件

进修怎样利用After effects建造使人惊讶的视觉结果并将它们使用到您的视频中,进修怎样利用Element 3D插件建造具有将来感的科幻结果和庞大的3D分解。进修怎样跟踪真拍视频并把元素分离到此中。

Want to add mad visual effects to your live-action videos? Learn how to work with 3D objects using Element 3D and how to create sci-fi effects to give your video a crazy feel of augmented reality.

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